March 12, 2025


With the onslaught of the pandemic, most, if not all the businesses have shifted to the online space however when the pandemic restrictions have started to loosen up, majority of businesses still choose to stay online while this is all good in theory, having a physical meeting and workplace might be better, here is why:

 Fewer Distractions

A physical meeting room aids in minimising distractions. When people meet each other physically they are not likely to be disturbed from their discussions by issues like phone ringing or other emails or other disturbing noises from other rooms. During a virtual meeting, people can multitask because they are not in the same room restricted in any manner.


 Better Collaboration

It is more manageable to collaborate if the colleagues are in the same meeting room. Technology makes it easier and faster for people to put ideas forward.This can prove to enhance brainstorming sessions as the participants are more focused and in a better position to contribute towards the objective at hand. In the case of a virtual meeting the share and share alike is always somewhat hampered because of technical constraints.

 Stronger Relationships

There is no doubt that people who have met face-to-face have a better chance of creating better relations. It is stated that whenever individuals are associated together, they often develop more understanding of each other. This in turn may foster the improvement of working relations and trust among members of different teams. Thus, in virtual classes or sessions, it becomes rather difficult to build such close-knit relationships.

Working Space Service

 Reliable Technology

Introducing technology into the virtual meetings can at times go wrong. Problems such as weak internet connection, software failure and even hardware failure may occur hence interning the flow of meeting. In a physical meeting room such technical issues are not very likely to happen. This makes for a smoother and more reliable experience Indeed, the product or service gains a more professional and competent feel.

 Free Meeting Rooms

That is why practical values are also attributable to the physical meeting rooms. Some corporations provide their clients with 免費會議室 or free meeting rooms. This can be a cheap way to rent, especially for business organizations that are organizing meetings and other events.


After everything we have given you, we hope this has convinced you to use physical space for meetings instead of just relying on the virtual space– and if we did convince you, then go ahead and book the nearest one next to you!